Don’t miss Blechexpo 2019 in Stuttgart
Submitted by:
Sara Waddington
March 2019
This year’s Blechexpo exhibition will take place in Stuttgart, Germany, from 5-8 November 2019. The trade fair duo of Blechexpo and Schweisstec takes place on a two-year cycle at Landesmesse Stuttgart and covers the complementary technologies of sheet metal processing and joining technology.
Blechexpo showcases thermal and mechanical sheet metal, pipe and profile processing. The concurrently held Schweisstec trade fair deals with related technologies and processes covering all aspects of welding, joining and fastening. The new, comparatively larger hall 10 now also offers adequate space for expanding offerings in steel processing services. Roughly one year before the show, the show organiser registered approximately 150 additional primary exhibitors and 10,000 square metres of exhibition floor space more than during the same period of time preceding the last edition of the double trade fair.
“High-end sheet metal processing has become a global issue. This is demonstrated by the fact that not just market leaders from European countries such as Italy; Spain; the Netherlands; Switzerland and Turkey have registered to participate at Blechexpo and Schweisstec 2019, leading companies from Asia, above all from China, have also decided to exhibit at the trade fair. The proportion of international exhibitors has risen from 32% to 41%, compared to 2017 (an increase of nearly 10%)”
Show organiser, P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG
“New floor plan and exhibitor distribution concepts will provide an even more realistic and practical visitor experience. They guide and bundle the flow of visitors in a thematic fashion. Expert visitors are guided to the offerings in which they’re specifically interested in a targeted manner with minimal legwork”
Project manager, Georg Knauer
Sheet metal processing companies will unveil their innovations in halls one and three and stamping technology will be highlighted in halls four and five. The latest technologies covering pressing and forming will be presented in hall eight at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre. Visitors with an interest in cutting (hall five) or welding and joining (hall seven) will also be able to explore focused offerings.
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