Fixing on the future
Submitted by:
Sara Waddington
From 17-18 November 2021, the fastener and fixing community came together at Fastener Fair CONNECT. The new digital event connected international attendees from various industrial sectors looking to source the latest products, equipment and services from fastening technology suppliers. The interactive networking event also offered a platform for in-depth expert talks and knowledge transfer.
A total of 551 attendees from 47 countries accessed the platform to meet suppliers, conduct business meetings and learn about the latest trends, policies and developments. A total of 163 exhibiting companies took advantage of the digital offering, presenting hundreds of product showcases to allow visitors to explore new products and services in more detail virtually.
Fastener Fair CONNECT also featured a webinar programme with seven sessions discussing the latest fastener and fixing technology trends and policies. The audience listened to industry experts discussing the sector's hot topics and interacted with speakers during the Q&A sessions. The webinars covered insights such as safety and security fasteners; complementary fastening & additive technologies; augmented reality; technical coating processes and European regulations for structural fixings.
"Fastener Fair CONNECT was launched to offer the global fastener and fixing industry the opportunity to get together, keep connected, conduct business and learn from educational content to keep the momentum whilst waiting for the live events to resume," commented Liljana Goszdziewski, Portfolio Director of the European Fastener Fairs, on behalf of Mack-Brooks Exhibitions, organiser of Fastener Fair CONNECT. "We are now looking forward to meeting the industry face-to-face next year at Fastener Fair Italy in Milan and Fastener Fair Stuttgart in Germany in 2023."
Fastener Fair CONNECT is the first online marketplace and digital business platform unifying Fastener Fair shows worldwide. The event digitally merged five relevant regional markets for the fastener and fixing industry, thanks to collaboration between the international Fastener Fair events: Fastener Fair Stuttgart; Fastener Fair Italy; Fastener Fair Mexico; Fastener Fair USA and Fastener Fair India.
All Fastener Fair CONNECT webinars are still available to view on demand via the platform - access to watch the sessions.