Bayer receives registration in France for Serenade
Submitted by:
Sara Waddington
Bayer’s biological crop protection product, Serenade, has been granted registration in France for the first time.
The product is designed to protect against the effects of soil and foliar bacterial and fungal diseases. In soil uses, it is applied at planting or through chemigation. Serenade quickly builds a disease-protection zone around the roots of the seed or transplant. When used as a foliar spray, it acts directly on the disease organism itself, stopping proliferation. It is a liquid formulation, tested thoroughly under varying conditions and already used in many countries.
The registration in France covers foliar and soil applications on a wide range of crops, including oilseed rape, sugar beets, grapes, potatoes, fruits and vegetables. Farmers can tank mix it with other fungicides, bactericides, insecticides, herbicides or fertilisers and apply it using existing equipment.
Serenade is exempt from the requirements of residue tolerances due to its favourable safety profile.