Submitted by:
Sara Waddington
Thank you for your continued support of ISMR. The significant impact that the COVID-19 coronavirus is having on all our lives is unprecedented. In view of this, the TRMG office is now closed and all staff are currently furloughed during this period of disruption. This means that ISMR’s May, June and July/August issues will not be published but we aim to resume operations again in Summer with the September issue and its EuroBLECH preview. ISMR subscribers will receive an extra three issues when their subscription expires to make up for this.
We very much hope to be able to resume normal functions as soon as possible and will keep you informed. Please email sara.waddington@merlinis.com or telephone +44 (0)777 3488771 if you wish to contact us in the meantime. Please stay safe and healthy in these challenging times and the best wishes of the ISMR team go with you.