July/August Issue of ISMR
Submitted by:
Sara Waddington
In the July/August issue of ISMR, we outline the principles of plasma cutting as well as process variations, key components and variables (page 16). Sources of future spending, growth and innovation are highlighted in global aerospace and defence markets (page 20) and we chart Italy’s path through the pandemic, with forecasts and growth projections for its economy and manufacturers (page 30). You can also read about the voestalpine Group’s latest projects, new material innovations and strategy for growth on page 23.
The utility and role of MRP, ERP and MES manufacturing software solutions are profiled on page 34 and we examine the rise of additive manufacturing/3D printing on page 46. You can uncover a selection of the latest global press brake bending innovations on page 53. We also preview September’s Global Industrie ‘phygital’ event in Lyon, France (page 28) and EMO Milano 2021, which takes place in October (page 42). Metrology/Industry 4.0 (page 59), laser cutting (page 51) and CAD/CAM (page 38) also come under the spotlight in this issue. Read the July/August issue now at https://joom.ag/VwyI
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